Responder Rewards SignupThanks for your interest in Responder Rewards, the discount program for law enforcement officers in Apex, NC. Participation is free and the terms of your offer are completely up to you. Some examples of great offers include a percentage or fixed dollar discount, a service or goods upgrade, or a free item with purchase. The list of all participating merchants will also be posted and continuously updated at Responder Rewards discounts are valid over a period of one year (August 1 - July 31). You may sign up your business at any point during this period, but your offer must be honored through the end of period during which you registered (valid starting immediately through July 31). Your discount will be automatically renewed on August 1 unless we receive written word from you by June 1.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Contact Name *FirstLastBusiness Name *Business Email *Business Phone Number *Business Street Address *City, State and Zip Code *Business Website *Checkboxes *Please include my business in the Responder Rewards Program through CAPA. We will provide the offer described below to Responder Rewards cardholders starting immediately. Cardholders will only be required to present their Responder Rewards card as proof of eligibility. I understand my business’s participation will renew annually on August 1 unless we provide CAPA with written notice before June 1 of the current discount period.Description of the discount we are offering: *Submit